Titled, "Signs of Their Times: 'Jim Crow' Was Here," the short post features a concise definition of Jim Crow laws and the two Supreme Court cases that framed that era (Plessy v. Ferguson [1896] and Brown v. Board of Education [1954]), then shows four representative photographs documenting how "various facilities (were) for the exclusive use of one race."
Photograph by Russell Lee, July 1939, http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/fsa.8a26761 |
Classroom Connection: Assign this blog post to your students as background reading. Then direct them to the further study links and ask them to create a presentation answering this question: "How deeply rooted was racial segregation during the Jim Crow era?" This will guide them to find examples of separate facilities in a host of activities.
Terrific blog post on Jim Crow photographs from the Library of Congress